Inquiry:Consider collaboration / Sales business in production and sales

Please fill out and send the following form for inquiries from production and sales businesses that are interested in collaborating with us.

Items you would like to inquire aboutMultiple checks are possible.Required

What is the type of request or consideration you have?

What products/services are you considering?

Specifics of your inquiryRequired

Country/region where the business is plannedRequired

e.g. USA

Reference dataOptional

Sending reference data will allow you a concrete answer.

Delete File

Use or purpose under considerationMultiple checks are possible.Required

Business SkillsMultiple checks are possible.Required

Company NameRequired

e.g. Asai Marking System Corporation

Person in chargeRequired

e.g. Taro Tokyo

Email addressRequired


Website URLOptional


Contact phoneOptional

e.g. +81-3-1234-5678
